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Multi-Stakeholders' Consultative Meeting on the Mekong-Rok Comprehensive Partnership for Mutual Prosperity
Trade and Investment Facilitation,
Completion Reports
Year: 2011
Written by Mekong Institute
Regional cooperation and integration is making headway and the Mekong Region is rapidly moving towards a new operating environment. The Mekong countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam) are part of several cooperation frameworks, notably ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA), and the Ayeyawady Chao Phraya Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS). The setting up of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 20I5 will establish ASEAN as a single market and production base with a free flow of goods, services and skilled labor. Simultaneously, ASEAN has liberalized trade and investment and integration among ASEAN under AFTA. This has resulted in the implementation of The Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) system which reduces Tariff rates of all imported goods between ASEAN members to zero (2010 for the six old members 2015 for the four new members). ASEAN has also liberalized its trade and investment with China, Korea and Japan (ASEAN + 3) and then with India, New Zealand and Australia (ASEAN + 6). AEC as well as AFTA are envisaged to address development disparities and to accelerate the integration of the new ASEAN members, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam, into the regional community.
In 2010, the Ministerial Meeting of the Friends of the Lower Mekong (FLM) has agreed on the importance of close cooperation among donors and the Mekong Countries to enhance effectiveness, mobilize resources, and promote synergy of regional assistance programs aimed at supporting inclusive, sustainable, and environmentallyresponsible growth. They noted the importance of effectively managing sustainable and equitable development in the Mekong region and discussed challenges affecting these countries in a variety of sectors, including the environment, public health, social development, livelihood, food security, education, and infrastructure. With this, they acknowledged the importance of conducting assistance programs in the Mekong Region in a transparent manner and agreed to continue discussion to develop a sustainable and effective cooperation mechanism among parties.
1. HanRiver Declaration of Establishing the MekongROK Comprehensive Partnership for Mutual Prosperity The Republic of Korea (ROK) has long been providing Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) in the Mekong Region. With its plan to double its ODA in the region by 2015, ROK wants to contribute in Mekong Countries in areas where it can have the greatest impact, preventing duplicity and ineffectiveness in its regional efforts, and underlining the importance of local ownership in these efforts.
In October 2011, ROK hosted the first Foreign Ministers Meeting between ROK and the five Mekong Countries in Seoul and all six Governments have agreed to set forth The MekongROK Comprehensive Partnership for Mutual Prosperity(the Partnership) with the following objectives: We shared the view that the Partnership should aim to promote friendship and cooperation between the Mekong region countries and the ROK in a wide range of areas,and thereby:
deepen the ASEANROK Strategic Partnership established at the I3th ASEANROK Summit held in October 20I0, Hanoi, Viet Nam
contribute to sustainable development of the Mekong region
narrow the development gap within ASEAN, accelerate the ASEAN integration and expedite the process of ASEAN Community building scheduled for the year 20I5
enhance regional cooperation and community building in East Asia with ASEAN playing a driving force1To move forward, the Foreign Ministers Meeting has tasked the Senior Officials to come up with plan of action to implement the vision set forth in the Declaration.
Enhancing Entrepreneurship in SME Development and Export Consortia
Trade and Investment Facilitation,
Completion Reports
Year: 2011
Written by Mekong Institute
The Mekong Institute (MI) was commissioned by Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA) to contact a four-week annual regional training program on "Enhancing Entrepreneurship in SME Development and Export Consortia" during 04-20 July 2011 for sixteen participants. They were middle and senior governmental officials, senior managers from Chamber of Commerce and Industries, members of Business Associations and senior entrepreneurs and private sectors from Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. The program aimed for providing practitioners in the field of SMEs and export promotion with the necessary knowledge and skills to promote export consortia. It particularly sought to enhance the participants' capacities in export promotion by providing opportunities for them to 1) understand the need and importance of SME providing opportunities for them to 1) understand the need and importance of SME clusters and export consortia in the context of SME promotion; 2) become more aware of how to analyze or consider proposed enterprise developemnt policies and strategies in the context of SME cluster for export promotions; and 3) understnad of the steps involved in consortum creation and the factors affecting the creation.
This sought to provide opportunities for the participants to access and consider more effective enterprise from the learning program and facilitate them to meet key people from different countries with an exception that they could develop networking and cooperation in the future, and also enable develop SME development strategies for both private and public organizations in their own countries.
The training course was designed and delivered using a modular training approach where participants went through three progressive stages : i) "Learn to Do"-training on concepts, techniques and tools to be employed; ii) "Do to Learn"- the participants were required to apply what they learned in their work assignments with proper coaching from assigned advisers; and iii) "Share to Learn"-the participants had an opportunity to present the results of their group work, learning experiences and lessons learned.
Dr. Eduardo Canela, an expert in SME Development and Export Consortia Development and Management, delivered lectures and facilitated discussions, and shared experiences to the participants. Two in-house resource persons of Mr. Madhurjya Kumar Dutta and Dr. Nittana Southiseng whose expertise in Trade and Investment Facilitation and SME Management, also contributed in running the program, providing lectures and leading the training program as a whole. Nine strucutred learning visits in Khon Kaen, Nakhon Ratchasima, Nakhon Prathom and Bangkok were conducted to enhance the participants' understanding of the program contents such as the principles, theories, processes and structures from the lectures and then linked them to practices in the field visits.
The training course comprised four inter-related modules:
Module 1: Understanding Concepts of SME Clusters and Export Consortia: To encourage participants to exchange information and experiences on cluster development and export consortia, to allow the participants to have a clearer understanding on the concept of cluster development, products and services and size of SME export consortia in strengthening the enterprise sector.
Module 2: Managing SME Clusters and SME Export Consortia through Field Visits: To orient participants to visit to various business enterprises in Thailand, to provide opportunities of exposure to various entrepreneurial leadership strategies applied in business operations for export consortia in small, medium and large scale enterprises.
Module 3: Strategy for Consortia Development: To present the strategy for consortia development, with special reference to a business plan preparation, as well as to introduce to the consortium developmen in strengthening the SME sector.
Module 4: Interaction on Export Management with Export Consortium: To facilitate the participants to interact with leading agencies (export consortia, SME associations and clusters) to gain experiences on the export business in Thailand.
Results from a range of evaluation methods showed a high satisfaction rating by the participants. However, recommendations for improvement included providing training sessions on fundamental strategies in developing a business plan, specifically a business plan for export consortia, visiting export consortia/export businesses in Thailand, providing more time on developing business plans and export consortia.
ASEAN SME Regional Gateway GMS SME BIZ Network: Enhancing Business Cooperaton among Thai SMEs and SMEs of CLMV and Southern China
Completion Reports,
Trade and Investment Facilitation
Year: 2010
Written by Mekong Institute
Project title: GMS SME BIZ Network
Implementing: Mekong Institute Secretariat, 123 Khon Kaen University,
Agency: Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Tel: 66 (0) 43-202411-2 Fax: 66 (0) 43343 131
Actual Participants: Thirty Thai SME Exporters and thirty SMEs of CLMV and Xouthwest China
Project Duration: 6-10 September 2010
The Mekong Institute was commissioned by the Office of SME Promotion of Thailand to design and facilitate a regonal forum on GMS SME BIZ Network that aimed to promote SME Export Network among Thai SME Exporters and SMEs and Key Persons of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Yunnan and Guang Xi Provinces of China (ClMV and SWC). The forum was held at the MI's Residential Training Center, Khon Kaen Uniersity from 6 to 10 September 2010. Seveny four entrepreneurs and concerned government officials participated in the forum.
This forum aimed to:
1. Promote closer working relationship, long-term business cooperaton and network between Thai SME Exporters and Logistic Providers and SMEs and Key Persons of CLMV and SC.
2. Facilitate the formulation of join business plans among the SMEs in the GMS
3. Add value to trade and investment of Thai SMEs
The participants are thirty Thai SMEs, 5 Chinese, 6 Cambodians, 9 Laos, 6 Myanmar, and 10 Vietnamese that are interested in the have capacity to establish strategic alliance with SME partners in the neighboring countries and ASEAN as a whole. This program targeted those SMEs in the Northeastern region of Thailand those SMEs of CLMV and YG along economic corridors.
Contents of the workshop included panel discussions, structured learning visits and plenary deliberation on:
a: Strategic Framwork of ASEAN Economic Community- by Dr. Pornchai Danvivathana Deputy Director General of ASEAN Department of MoFA
b: Developing Thailand and the Mekong Region as ASEAN SME Regional Gateway- by Mr. MK Dutta, MI Trade and Investment Facilitation program Manager
c: Global and Regional Trend of SME BIZ Network and Expor Consortia- by Dr Abe masato, Senior Economic Officer, UNESCAP
d: Country SME SWOT Analysis and country report on each country policies, rules and regulations related to trade, investment and export, investment and business development potentials, current SME situation and Business Development Services,
e. Multilateral and Bilateral Agreement, CBTA and logistics in the GMS- by Dr. Rattanatay Luangradbandth, ADB, Mr. oudet Suwannavong, GMS Business Forum, Ms. Tui Pakarat Rutten, Cambodian Fright Forwarder and Mr. Suraphol Thaveesangsakulthai, Khon Kean Chamber of Commerce
f. SME BIZ Network and Business Cluster- by Mr. Sorapob Chuadamrong, Vice President of Chaingmai Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Wichien Chedchutrakunthong, Former President of SMEs Chiangmai-Lampoon Association, and Mr. Masao Takagi, Business Matching Expert, Japan
g. Formulating Joint Business Plan - six joint business plans were developed at the forum. They are: 1) Decorating Brick Project, 2) Local Yogurt Products, 3) Regional Tourism, 4) GMS Silk Road, 5) Mobiled Training, and 6) Prae Pan Cotton Cluster.
h. Integrating Knowledge and experiences and way forward- SME BIZ Network on-line services, capacity building of Business Associatons and Community of Practices. A website portal has been created (wit linkage to MI website) to promote network among the participants.
Actual Outcomes:
1. Network of SME Exporters and Logistic Providers of Thailand and SMEs of CLMV and SWC. This includes established business relationship and trust among and between Thai Exporters and those SMEs from the GMS countries. Total of seventy five participants are now regiostered with the network.
2. Six joint Business Plans
3. Country reports which includes SWOT Analysis of SMEs in the context of ASEAN Economic Community and country trade and investment policies and institutional arrangements.
Enhancing Entrepreneurship in SME Development and Export Consortia
Completion Reports,
Trade and Investment Facilitation
Year: 2010
Written by Mekong Institute
The Mekong Institute was commissioned by Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency to conduct a four-week annual international training course on "Enhancing Entrepreneurship in SME Development and Export Consortia" from 9 August to September 2010 for twenty-one governemnt officiials and private sector peronnel from fourteen developing countries in Asa and Africa.
The course aimed to develop participants' appreciation of the importance andsignificance-and complexity- of sustainable enterprise development in a regional and national context. It sought to develop the capacity of participants to assess and consider more effective enterprise and private sector development strategies and actvties in their own countries.
Eleven external resource persons were invited to deliver lectures and facilitate discussions, and share experiences to participants. Nine structured learning visits in Khon Kaen, Nakhon Ratchasima, and Bangkok were conducted to enhance the paricipants' understanding of the program contents and to apply the principles, process, structure, and stakeholders in planning nd implementing business from the visits.
The training course comprised firve inter-related modules. Module 1 "unleashing Entrepreneurship: Setting the Context" allowed the facilitators and participants to introduce themselves and provided an overview of te learning program, methodology, and process. Module 2 "The Essentials of Enterprse Deelopment: Why adn How"presented various approaches and tools to develop the enterprise sector. Module 3 "Ensuring Business Survval and Sustainable Grouwth" covered the concepts of "enabling enviornment" such as busness development and fnancial services, productivity and competitiveness, and value cahins to strengthen the enterprise sector. module 4 "Managing Enterprises" included study visits to enhance the participants' understanding on the contents through observation and interaction wth enterprises' management teams. Module 5 " Developing Cluster and Business-to Business Networks" introduced the concepts and described key steps and suggested tools and methods for developing business clusters and networks.
The results from a range of evaluaton methods showed high satisfaction rating by the participants. However, recommendations for improvement included providing more information on export consortia, SME policy and PPP, inviting guest speakers from senior management level, providing more case studies, and organizing discusson forum wth local entrepreneurs.
Income Generation and Poverty Reduction for Development
Completion Reports,
Trade and Investment Facilitation
Year: 2010
Written by Mekong Institute
The Mekong Institute was commissioned by Thailand International Development Agency to conduct a four-week annual international training course on "Income Generation and Poverty Reduction for Development" for eighteen goernment officials from fifteen developing countries. The course aims at enhancing particpants' knowledge and skils in addressing successful poverty reduction strategies. It provded a venue for senior and mid-level government officials from developing countries who are involved in rural development to share experiences and best practices on interventions that create lasting impacts and advance disadvantaged people' quality of life.
Specially the curriculum focuses on:
- Meaning and measurement of poverty;
- People-centered development;
- Participatory framework;
- Monitoring and evaluation of result framework; and
- Strategies and interventions for poerty reduction.
The training course was designed and delivered using modular trainign approach, of which, all particpants went through three progressstages; 1) "Learn to do"- training on concepts. techniques and tools to be employed; b) "Do to learn"- the paricipans are required to apply wat they learn to their group work assignment and exercise with proper coachng from assigned advisors; and c) "Share to learn"- paricipants will have an opportunit to present their group works/ findings and share their learning experience and new innovatons.
There were seven resource persons/subject experts who contributed to the design and delivery of the lectures, wokshops and structured learning visits namely (1) Dr Krailert Taweekul, (2) Assoc Prof Nongluck Suphanchamart, (3) Assoc Prof Suchint Simaraks, and (4) Assoc Prof Wongsa Laohasiriwong of Khon Kean Universty, (5) Mr Sansonthi Boonyothayan of Sakon Nakhon Provincal Agriculture and Cooperates Offce, and (6) Dr Suchat Katma, and 7)Ms Sanda Thant of the Mekong Institute. The results of evaluation show tat these resource persons were qualifed, experienced and employed effective training deliery methods.
The training ourse s comprised of four inter-related modules. Each module comprises three interrelated stages; Training on concepts and tools, study visit to observe related projects, and sharing session to reflect on the newly acquired knowledge and experience.
Integrated or Meta-currculum was employed in designing and delivering the learning program. Salient features of this currculum are that project design and planning competencies are carefully selected, project management concept is ntegrated wth skill pracitce and essential knowledge is learned to support the performance of skills, and above all, the functional competencies like team and communication skills, information management and facilitation and networking are integrated across the curriculum.
The evaluations conducted throughout the course showed that the learning program was successful.
Despite not achieving perfection, the learning program can still be considered "Highly successful" iin having provided concepts, tool and strategies to address poverty reducton and some concrete examples and best practices of income generaton and povert reducton initatives in Thailand.
Transboundary Agribusiness Development and Management in the Greater Mekong Sub-region
Completion Reports,
Trade and Investment Facilitation
Year: 2010
Written by Mekong Institute
The Mekong Institute (MI) was commissioned by the Yunnan Provincial Government of the Peoples Republic of China to organize a regional workshop and structured learning visits on Transboundary Agribusiness Development and Management in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. The workshop was organized in collaboration with the Yunnan Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Chambers of Commerce along the North-South Economic Corridor of the GMS (R3a) and GMS Business Forum (GMS-BF). It was conducted from 22 March to 2 April 2010 at Mekong Institute and twenty-two government officials and private sector personnel from the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) countries attended the workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to expose participants to the increasing significance of agribusiness to poverty alleviation, to uplifting the quality of life of rural people and in narrowing cross-border trade gaps in the GMS.
Eight resource persons were invited to deliver lectures and facilitate discussions and to share their experiences with the participants. The program comprised of five inter-related modules. Module 1 Global and Regional Trend in Agribusiness Development provided an introduction to global and regional trade agreements. Module 2 Role, Significance and Trend of Cross-Border Agricultural Trade in the GMS covered the role and significance of agriculture and agribusiness to national economy activity and introduced the prospect of cross-border agricultural markets in the GMS and ASEAN regions. Module 3 Agribusiness Development and Management addressed a range of core agribusiness development and management issues. Module 4 Strengthening Small Farm-agribusiness Linkages and Enhancing Small and Medium Enterprise Entrepreneurship detailed the means to support small farm-agribusiness linkages. Module 5 Measures to Facilitate Cross-border Agribusiness in the GMS suggested ways to increase cross-border agribusiness in the GMS.
Five structured learning visits were organized to enhance the participants understanding and help them to apply the acquired knowledge in their works.
The evaluations of the workshop show that the program accomplished its objectives and met participants expectations. Networking, gaining knowledge of agribusiness trend in the GMS and cross-border agribusiness linkages and practices, site visits, and a better understanding of the contribution of small-scale farmers and businesses to poverty alleviation were highlighted as the most significance benefits for participation in the workshop. Recommendations and suggestions were also made for the improvement of the workshop and the development of future cross-border agribusiness programs.
Completion Reports,
Trade and Investment Facilitation
Year: 2010
Written by Mekong Institute
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE TH MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Since May 2008 InWEnt implements the programme Regional rural development through Innovative regional management in South East Asia. Total programme duration is to last for 4 years. Programme activities cover the countries Cambodia and Laos and are operational in two provinces of each country (Siem Reap and Battambang in Cambodia and Sayaboury and Attapeu province in Laos). Since the Federal Republic of Germany has identified rural development as one of the focal area of support, the InWEnt programme closely cooperates with GTZ rural development programmes and DED (Battambang).
It aims at building up and strengthening regional management structures. The capacity building activities increase the competences of the participating organisations to actively design and coordinate a potential-oriented and participatory regional development of rural areas. The conceptual orientation is based on the LEADER-PLUS approach.
Three objectives should be reached by the end of four-year implementation period:
(A) The partners on local and regional level are knowledgeable in the principles, instruments and processes of integrated rural development, the regional management and the economic development on community and regional levels. They apply these to establish an equivalent development of their rural areas.
(B) Regional, national and cross-boarder networks of executives and decision-makers of partner organisations and institutions are strengthened. They contribute efficiently to a specialist exchange of experience on policies, strategies, promotion programmes and appropriate organisational structures for the development of rural areas and to regional integration.
(C) Selected governmental and/or non-governmental training organisations are qualified to independently carry out valuable capacity building in principles and tools of regional management for realizing an integrated rural development.
Since the programme is implemented through a single phase lasting four years InWEnt decided to conduct a midterm review (MTR). The review fulfils two purposes a) to review project achievements up-to-date in terms of its relevance, applicability, efficiency and effectiveness and b) to use the findings and recommendations to improve the project design and implementation during the remaining implementation period. In cooperation with the Mekong Institute interviews were conducted with all target groups (core group members, decision makers and lead trainers) in both countries.
There has been a solid progress toward achieving this indicator. 18 National Trainers (10 for Cambodia and 8 for Laos) and over 200 regional management core group members from 14 selected regions (districts) of Cambodia and Laos participated in a modular training programme of Regional Management. Since October 2008, five progressive training modules on Regional Management were provided to the target groups using Training of Trainers approach of which the InWEnts international trainers provided TOT to the National Trainers and following the TOT, the National Trainers in turn conducted the same training module to RM core groups. In addition a team of 14 members from Cambodia and Laos are attending a twelve-months training course in Germany. The programme measure will last until September 2010.
The Regional Management Capacity Building Programme of InWEnt is very relevant to both Cambodia and Laos. Both countries have, since early 90s, transformed from centralized planned economies to decentralized market-oriented economies. Cambodia is more advanced in implementing its Organic Law on decentralization and deconcentration. Though Laos had a slow start, it is making visible progress toward decentralization.
The Regional Management (RM) approach as a tool to foster rural development is very new to both countries and there is no ready-made formula so far. Development of tools for multiplication is in progress. To ensure that the RM Capacity Building Programme will continue to be used at the project pilot sites, is scaled up to the national level and is incorporated into national training programmes the review team recommends a set of follow-up actions:
It is recommended to continue the present ToT training modules which have already been scheduled in July and November and at the same time start finding new permanent implementing partners at regional and national levels. This involves:
It is suggested anchoring the training programme at a regional organization which has the capacity to deliver services (training, consultancy) and to ensure basic research on the matter, thereby institutionalizing the RM programme on a regional level. Due to its characteristics (regional focus, entails research and training services, has a thematic focus on Rural Development, etc.) and existing involvement in the programme the Mekong Institute (MI) seems to be the natural partner for this aspect. The selected organization, once capacitated, can serve as Champion of RM in the Mekong Countries.
Working with National Institutions that have a direct mandate in promoting rural development might be of additional benefit. The National Economic Research Institute and Training Center of Ministry of Planning and Investment of Laos and the Cambodian Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) of Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Cambodia are two potential partners.
More concerted activities are required developing a Laotian and a Cambodian Regional Management Training Package. This measure is under way, as some practical experiences and adaptations made e.g. in Cambodia have already been re-introduced into trainings for Core Groups. In defining this package, the implementation experiences of the German TA partners are irreplaceable, yet the process has to be supported by InWEnt RM experts, MI and national trainers.
Introducing Regional Management as an innovative approach for Rural Development in Cambodia and Lao PDR requires the support of the National Level. To gain this support, national level policy dialogue needs to be initiated. Policy dialogue can be used to call the attention and increase awareness of policy makers and senior officials on regional management issues.
Study visits need to be closely coordinated with training contents to support learning in the various modules. For high level officials exposure to different good practices might continue to include visits to the Regional Management Programme in Bavaria or to Thailand (decentralized law, local administration system).
The roundtable discussion with the management of the partnering national training institutions revealed that the interest in the topic of Regional Management is high but there is still some scepticism in how far this will prove to be a business case which justifies resource allocation for further developing capacities and contents. This should be a topic of continued discussion between InWEnt, German TA partners and national partners.
During the remaining implementation period the organizational capacity building concerning the anchoring of the innovative rural management approaches needs to be further developed with higher priorities. The review team suggests that the Mekong Institute could play more active role both countries supporting the institutional anchoring of the topic.
Capacity Development Program for Chambers of Commerce & Industry and Business Associatons along EWEC
Completion Reports,
Trade and Investment Facilitation
Year: 2010
Written by Mekong Institute
The Mekong Institute (MI) in collaboration with Asian Development Bank (ADB)- RETA 7521: Strengthening Local Chambers of Commerce and Industry along the East-West Economic Corridor to Promote Trade, Investment and Value Chains conducted a five-day regional training course on Capacity Development for Chamber of Commerce and Industries (CCI) and Business Associations (BA) along East West Economic Corridor (EWEC) from 6 to 10 December 2010 for forty executive members and staff of CCIs, Business Associations and government officials in government department whose work is directly involved with trade and investment activities of Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam.
The course aims at developing the capacity of industry associations, trade promotion agencies and chambers of commerce and industries in understanding the role of their organization in the light of developments taking place globally and thereafter exposes them to various issues and strategies involved in trade and investment promotion activities.
The training course was designed and delivered using modular training approach where participants went through three progressive stages : i) Learn to Do training on concepts, techniques and tools to be employed; ii) Do to Learn the participants were required to apply what they learned in their work assignments with proper coaching from assigned advisers; and iii) Share to Learn the participants had opportunity to present the results of their group work, learning experiences and lessons learned.
Four resource persons were invited to deliver lectures and facilitate discussions, and share experiences to the participants, as well as, to enhance the participants understanding of the program contents and to apply the principles, process, structure, and stakeholders in planning and implementing trade from the learning program.
The training course comprised of four inter-related modules. Module 1- Trade and investment Promotion -Role of CCI gave an understanding of the role and functions of CCI and management information systems. Module 2 -Integration of SMEs of EWEC in Global Value Chain covered the concepts of inter-SME trade and regional and global value chains (RVC/GVC) and supply chains- related trade facilitation. Module 3 -Business Networking with SMEs in EWEC and tools and methods for developing business clusters and networks. Module 4- Trade and Investment promotion Strategies enhanced the participants understanding on effective trade fair management, management information systems, the need and importance of trade fairs and Steps for Planning a Trade Event, management practices and promotion.
The feedback gathered from the participants confirmed that the resource persons and facilitators were qualified, experienced and able to explain difficult content topic in clear and simple term. The evaluation results demonstrated that the learning program successfully attained its objectives. The results from a range of evaluation methods showed high satisfaction rating by the participants. However, recommendations for improvement included providing field visit.
Workshop on Regional Power Interconnection and Trade in the Greater Subregion
Completion Reports,
Trade and Investment Facilitation
Year: 2009
Written by Mekong Institute
The three-week intensive workshop on "Regional Power Interconnection and Trade n the GMS" was held from 2nd_20th March 2009 at the GMS Electric PowerTechnology Exchange and Training Centre, Kunming City, Yunnan rovince, the People's Republic of China. The workshop was sponsored by the Yunnan Provincial Government of the People's Republic of China (YPG) and the yunnan Power Grid Corporation (YNPG). Twenty-nine government oficials and private sector personnel representing the six GMS countries (Cambodia, PR China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam) attended te worksho. Participant composition was of 41% females and 59% of males.
The workshop aimed to enhance the competencies of senior to middle level government officials and senior private sector personnel working in areas related to power/electric enginneering, power companies and energy ministries from te six GMS countries. Targe organizations included EGAT, EVN, EDL, EDC and other regional independent power producers. The workshop emphasized on the development of a regional perpective in electric power trading and interconnection, introducing the necessary skills in organizaing and evaluating subregional power sector projects, and developing an awareness of energy status and demand growth in the GMS countries. The workshop also provided and awareness for participants to establish contacts with their peers across the GMS and share experienes and best practices among the GMS countries on challenges and key success factors in terms of power interconnection and rade development at the regional level.
The worksop evaluation revealed that most of te participants expressed satisfaction over the duration of the worksho. Majority of the participants rated the workshop as useful and could be applied in their jobs. They expressed that the knowledge and newly acquired skills can technically be applied in their respective fields. THe participants also stated that they enjoyed the multi-country group work and the presentations made by invited experts. THey particularly emphasized the usefulness of the structural learning visits in China, Lao PDR and Thailand and expressed their satisfaction on the way it was organized and handles. The participants were also happy at te oportunity gven to interact with co-participants to be able to build professional contacts and friendship in the GMS. They also expressed that this workshop should be repeated for other professionals in the power sector.
Expected outcomes and workshop objectives were mostly attained. However, some of the participants expressed that the workshop should involve more case studies from the GMS and they would have wanted to hear from the experiences of resource persons who are involved in policies and laws on power interconnection and trade development at regional level.
Learning Program on Business Leadership in Competitive Enterprises Completion Report
Completion Reports,
Trade and Investment Facilitation
Year: 2009
Written by Mekong Institute
The participants indicated useful of the course modules including field visits and assignments. Program introduction allowed the facilitators and participans to introduc themselves and provided an overview of the learning program, and its methodology and process.
Module 1: Impact of Macro Enironmental Factors in Leardership in Mangement" introduced the participants to the broader context within which competitive enterprises operate and how the external environment influenced organizations, organizational cultures, organizational leadership and management.
Module 2: Leadership versus Management" presented general concepts on leadership and management.
Module 3: Performanace Base Management" covered the concepts of the Performance Management System. "Module 3B: Metrology and Applicaition" introduced the metrology and application tat relevant with different activites within legal metrology to leadership, planning and reporting.
"Module 4: Ethics, Social Responsibilit and Goernance n leadership" presented the importance of ethnics, social responsibiliy and goernance in leardership."Module 4b: Coaching as Strategies Mangement Tool" introduced an important 'Coaching" skill to the participants.
Module 5: Managing Competitive Enterprise
Module 6: Business Proposal Development" introduced a structured hand-on-training and practiced in developing business proposal, setting project screening criteria and simulated the role of project appraisal committee.
With regard to the duration of the course, objecives, and the resource presons, 82 percent of the participants indicated that 4 week duration of the program was appropriate, overall objective of te course was excellent, and the resource persons were good in helping them undrstand the program content.
With the lessons learned from the course and results from a range of evaluation methods, the learning program concludes that the learnin program is successful. However, recommendations are provided to identify pfurther cooperation, strengthen the network, provision of clear guidelines, and higher participation of women into the program.