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Listing 409 publications.

Mekong Forum 2011 Proceedings

Mekong Forum 2011 Proceedings

Category: Proceedings
Pages: 107
Year: 2011
Link: Download

Written by Mekong Institute

The MEKONG INSTITUTE (MI) was pleased to host the Mekong Forum 2011. As an Inter-Governmental Organization chartered by the six Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) governments, its principal mandate is to serve the human resource development needs for regional integration and cooperation in the GMS. MIs own goals and strategies for the next 5 years are framed within the context of an integrated ASEAN community. As such, MI took the initiative to construct a broader platform for meaningful dialogue on Human Resource Development (HRD) and capacity building in the GMS and ASEAN region.

The Mekong Forum was designed to provide a unique opportunity for a cross-section of organizations interested in regional cooperation and integration to learn about the latest developments in integrating the GMS into the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), to discuss the implications for GMS countries, and to identify issues and barriers while exploring collaborative solutions for integration. Forum activities focused on how best to help narrow the development gap between the less developed GMS countries, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV) and the rest of the ASEAN states.

It was MIs intention to create an open, informal and supportive environment to bring together delegates from a variety of organizations - private and non-profit, governmental and intergovernmental, civil society, research and academic institutions as well as development partner agencies. The Forum offered the opportunity for delegates to learn about recent developments and collectively identify the benefits, challenges and issues of GMS integration into the AEC by 2015. There are too many HRD and capacity building needs in the Subregion for any single organization to address. Therefore it was hoped that by bringing interested organizations together they would find ways to initiate the exploration of opportunities for future collaboration and partnerships. Exhibit space was provided for those organizations who wished to distribute further information to Forum delegates.

The Forum was organized in two parts. Expert speakers set the context for the journey from GMS to AEC 2015 in an Opening Plenary Session on the morning of the first day. Over the next day and a half, delegates worked together in parallel Discussion Groups to identify key constraints and mitigating actions.

Forum speeches covered the history of regional cooperation, set out requirements to achieve the AEC by 2015, compared the challenges and opportunities faced by the CLMV countries with the poorer countries of Europe during the formation of the European Union, identified the tangible connectivity already taking place and planned within the Subregion and identified specific HRD and capacity building issues facing the CLMV countries. Two common themes emerged from those speeches:
integrating GMS into AEC presents both opportunities and challenges for individual countries in the Subregion
HRD and capacity building are the catalyst for accelerating the economic and social development of the CLMV countries, which is a prerequisite for a successful AEC.
Discussion Groups were formed around the three most pressing HRD and capacity building issues: Implementing Free Trade Agreements, Integrating Small and Medium Sized Enterprise into ASEAN and Global Value Chains, and Improving Cross-Border Contract Farming Facilitation and Implementing Good Agricultural Practices.

Discussion Group participants deliberated the barriers and constraints faced by CLMV countries in addressing each of these issues. They then identified potential collaborative partnerships and arrangements to overcome these barriers and constraints. Specific Ideas covered: policy dialogues, training, research, seminars and workshops, forums, outreach, study visits, peer support programs and media campaigns.

The following three areas emerged as the highest common priority needs going forward:
Institutional there is a need to put in place appropriate and enabling institutions to engage with and communicate to all impacted stakeholders
Implementation there is a need to strengthen the capacity of government agencies tasked with implementing different AEC requirements and private sector organizations (e.g. Chambers of Commerce and Industry) to disseminate information, particularly at the provincial and local levels
Innovation - there is a need to enhance the ability of all stakeholders to cope with the changing environment and rapid developments that integration with AEC is bringing.

The Mekong Forum resulted in a number of significant outcomes including:
Heightened awareness and understanding of the challenges and opportunities for the CLMV countries as they move to integrate with the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015
A shared understanding that strengthened public-private partnerships are needed to implement AEC 2015 requirements
Recognition that a wide range of stakeholders need to be involved in all stages of the process, from development to implementation
A shared sense of urgency to initiate responsive HRD and capacity building initiatives.

The Mekong Institute remains committed to playing a key role moving forward.

SLV on Regional Rural Development Planning

SLV on Regional Rural Development Planning

Category: Completion Reports, Agricultural Development and Commercialization
Year: 2011

Written by Mekong Institute


The Mekong Institute was commissioned by the German Agency for International Development Cooperation (GIZ) to organize the Structured Learning Visit in Thailand on Regional Rural Development Planning. The programme aimed to expose the Lao Government Officials to the planning procedures in Thailand and equip them with knowledge and relevant ideas which can serve as inputs in the design of the guidelines in preparing the 8th National Socio-Economic Development Plan.

The SLV programme focused on strategic planning and included topics under two broad categories:

Decentralised National Planning in Thailand: Structure, Processes and Participatory Approaches, and

Development Planning Framework: Spatial and Strategic Considerations.

Thirteen Government Officials from relevant departments of Ministry of Planning and Investment and the National Advisor of the GIZ participated in the training. There were seven participants from the Department of Planning, one from the Department of Evaluation, one from the Department of Statistics, and four from the Provincial Department of Planning and Investment. Two of the participants were female, while 12 participants were male.

Different M&E tools were employed during the program including T-account assessment, mood barometer, suggestion box, and final participatory evaluation. The evaluation results showed that the Structured Learning Visit was successful both in terms of program design and contents, and overall organisation and management. The expectations were achieved. However, some suggestions for improvement include better time allocation for relaxation and that the profile of field visits should be provided to the participants before the start of the program.

The participants also indicated further training needs on applying Geographic Information System (GIS) into plan development and implementation, project management and fund raising.


Assessment of Agricultural Trade and Investment along the GMS Economic Corridors (EWEC and NSEC)

Assessment of Agricultural Trade and Investment along the GMS Economic Corridors (EWEC and NSEC)

Year: 2011

Written by Mekong Institute

This survey trip report is a part of a program "Regional Workshop and Structured learning Visits on Agricultural Trade and Investment Promotion along GMS Corridors: Exploring Emerging Business Opportunities along the EWEC and NSEC (Khon Kaen-Nanning)" to be held on 5-14 September 2011. The aim of this feasibility study is to: (1) comprehend the regional trend of agricultural trade and investment route number 8 in the EWEC and NSEC, and (2) identify the cross-border trade activities in agro-related sector, as well as (3) identify local/regional business competitiveness. The study trip started in Khon Kaen and traveled through Nakhon Phanom in Thailand to Khammoun province, Lao PDR to Vietnam between 21-26 February 2011 undertaken by the Trade and Investment Facilitation Team (TF) at the Mekong Institute.

Findings for this report were extracted from both secondary and primary data. Interviews were conducted on the basis of the scope of the survey objectives and structured guidelines prepared by the MI team, which consisted of: (a) Current situation on agricultural trade and investment of the province, (b) Strategies and implementing activities on promoting the provincial agricultural trade and investment (T&I), (c) Cross-border agricultural in T&I, and (d) Request to sharing other available information and reports.

At Nakhon Phanom in Thailand, the TF team visited three offices of (1) Provincial Agricultural Office,(2) Provincial Industry Office and (3) Chamber of Commerce to survey their activities and key roles in promoting local agricultural T&I. The main agricultural product of Nakhon Phanom is rice, similar to other provinces of northeastern Thailand. However there are private investment in the agricultural industry such as the Grobest Frozen Fish Company in Ta U-ten district, buntaphan Pig Farm Company and Rice Mill Nakae ongcharoen Company in Nakae district. At Thakhek, Khammoun in Laos, the team had visited the provincial Chamber of Commerce to get information about T&I situation in Thakhek city and Khammoun province, Thanh Hoa province, Hanoi and ended up at the Vietnam-China border at Lang Son province. The agricultural industry of Vietnam is likely sufficient and they can export to other countries, especially rice, seafood, cassavas,etc.

The data colection and observation were immediately coded, interpreted and ncorporated into the final report. This report comprises the following parts: (1) Background of each province/ city, (2) Visited organizations, (3) Local business profile, (4) Agricultural trade and investment industry, (5) Cross-border trade, (6) Business opportunity, (7) Limitation and needs assessments and (8) Some case studies for structured learning visits(SLV).

Workshop Proceedings on Facilitation as Core Competency

Workshop Proceedings on Facilitation as Core Competency

Category: Proceedings
Year: 2011

Written by Mekong Institute

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Executive Summary

The development of facilitation to this point has, for many professional service organizations, been a development of facilitation abilities and skills in individuals. Increasingly it is becoming accepted that in order to be effective in today's organizations, people must possess some combination of the following abilities; leadership (a long term view which sets the tone and direction), management (an immediate view which encompasses planning and getting things done), and facilitation (a global view devoid of content which enables people to achieve their objective).

In order for facilitation to be developed as a core competency for the organization, certain organizational needs must be met in order to support this delivery system. Where the focus has previously been placed on developing facilitation skills within individuals, a focus must now be placed on developing structures and strategies within an organization which supports a facilitative approach to their service.

In collaboration with GIZ, the Mekong Institute organized a five-day training course on Facilitation As a Core Competency: a Training of Trainers for professionals from CARD, MRD, MoI, SNEC, LI, GIZ, CEDAC, LWD, VBNK, PNSA, and FOCTA of Cambodia, PAFO and GIZ of Lao PDR, YASTD and YNCIQ of China. The training course was conducted on 4-8 April 2011 in Mekong Institute, Khon Kaen, Thailand.

This training course was not a conventional training course; it was a skills studio workshop emphasizing interaction and experimentation. The training course was delivered in seven interrelated modules utilizing a variety of inter-active and experiential learning methodology and tools.  The training programme contains of seven modules as follows:

Module 1: Setting the Context of the Training

This module contains activities that are essential for enabling free and open participation right from the start of the training programme. This module helps trainers to prepare the groundwork, break the ice, explore group limits and give the overview of the training workshop and advanced facilitation model.

Module 2: Facilitation Processes

This module gives generic model of facilitation, an overview of some tools and techniques one needs for facilitating, and description of some interpersonal phenomena one needs to be on the lookout for. The best way to learn facilitation is, of course, to do the work and have someone give you feedback. The next best thing is to observe someone else facilitating.

Module 3: Participatory Approach to Service Delivery & Intervention Design

Modern organizations, whether corporate, government, or NGOs, increasingly face the challenge of responding to rapidly changing circumstances. These same organizations are often expected to involve stakeholders in decision-making processes, making any such process more complex and difficult to manage. These two challenges are often at odds with each other, the former requiring speed and agility and the latter requiring time and patience. The increased need for timely collaborative problem solving and participatory decision making in businesses, organizations, and communities worldwide has led to an increase in the use of group facilitators to support those processes.

Module 4: Managing Change to Build Facilitative Organization

This module focuses on how to analyze the forces of change in order to institutionalize facilitation as core competency of the organization. The module allows participants to identify facilitating and hindering factors at their work place as well as find the ways to overcome constraining factors through different tools and simulation exercises.

Module 5: Facilitating Conflict Negotiation

This module focuses on the definition of conflict, the process of conflict and the resolution of conflict. Participants are provided the presentation of conflict management and asked to work as group on conflict management to identify the real conflicts that happened in their lives, analyze the factors that contributed to the conflict and work on how to solve those conflicts.

Module 6: Implementation of Workplan (preparation for the field work)

Participants demonstrate skills in preparing group for field visit (clarification of objectives and expected outputs, member assignments, materials, tools). The structured learning visits to three study sites, Dong Bang Community Learning Center, Nampong Self-Help Group, and Sriviroj Farm, in Khon Kaen of Thailand provided the participants on how to prepare field work by using facilitation skills. The information market is used as a tool in presentation of the results from the field work.

Module 7: Integrating Skills and Way Forward

This module focuses on the integration of different sets of concepts and tools in developing facilitation as core competency (internal training, mentoring, coaching, reuse framework, knowledge repository, blue sky, etc). Participants will go through exercises on how to manage different interaction and intervention scenarios, promote full participation, handle difficult group dynamics, fostering inclusive solutions and ensure participatory decision-making in the professional services firm.

Expert Meeting

Expert Meeting

Category: Proceedings
Year: 2011

Written by Mekong Institute

One of the recommendatons, made by the Mekong Insttute Stakeholder Consultative Meeging in July 2007, was to implement a series of regional training courses for middle to senior level officials from government agences, recruitment agences and private organization involved in the sending and receiving of migrants in this sub-region.


By the end of that year, the Mekong Institute (MI, and independent Inter-Goernmental Organization (IGO) working in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS), and the Mekong Migration Network (MMN), a sub0regional network of migrant support NGOs and reserch institutes, had agreed to co-organize a training course and a series of activities on labour migration management. These activities included that development of a training curriculum, organizing an Expert Meeting to present the draft training curriculum, conducting the Training of Trainiers( TOT) course and, subsequently, conducting the three-week training course.


The three-week course on labour migration management is expected to take place in November 2008. MI and MMN, together with consultants, developed a draft training curriculum. The Expert Meeting was organized to present the draft curriculum and gain feedback from migration experts and government officials to ensure the content and training method are appropriate and relevant.


The Expert Meeting was designed to allow participants to share information regarding in-country training or workshops and collaboration mechanisms, to identify gaps n the draft currculum and dentify alternative training methods, to suggest alternative training methos (if necessary), to suggest possible resource persons for the course, and to identfy the appropriate government agencies to invite to the course.


MI and MMN co-organized the Expert Meeting on Labour Migration Management in the Greater Mekong Sub-region from May 13 to 15, 2008. With the financal support of The Rockefeller Foundation, 20 experts from the field of migration and middle to senior level offcials from relevant Ministries from the sx GMS countries attended the Meeting.


The Meeting began with a presentation about MI and its work on migration, followed by a MI-MMN capacity building program background and objectives of the training course. The frst day's sessions comprised an overview presentation of the training couse draft Modules and their topics, and discussions on the proposed methodology. Open discussion throughout the session allowed MI and MMN to learn rom the experts and the delegates, for te betterment of te curriculum.


The Meeting's second day consisted of a presentation of each Module n detail and workshop discussions on the content and methodologes for each module. Group presentations on these dscussions followed, and included identifying potential reseouce persons and target partcipants. The third day was for MI and MMN staff to devise the action plan, discuss roles and responsbilities, and develop a draft Cooperation Framework for 2009-2010.

Mekong Connection 2011 Jan-Mar

Mekong Connection 2011 Jan-Mar

Category: Mekong Connection
Year: 2011
Link: Download

Project Monitoring and Evaluaton in the GMS Learning Program

Project Monitoring and Evaluaton in the GMS Learning Program

Category: Completion Reports
Year: 2011

Written by Mekong Institute

The Project Monitoring and Evaluation in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Learning Program was co-designed and delivered by the GMS Phnom Penh Plan for Development Management (PPP) and the Mekong Institute (MI). The program was conducted from 16 - 28 January 2011 at the Mekong Institute Residential Training Center, Khon Kaen, Thailand. The two-week intensive learning program was designed as a deepening and follow up program for alumni who have attended previous Project Feasibility and Design and Project Management learning programs at Mekong Institute. This program demonstrated to participants how to conduct and use monitoring and evaluation concepts, tools and techniques at different stages of the project cycle.

This Project Monitoring & Evaluation learning program aims to enhance the technical skills of targeted government officials in designing and conducting project monitoring or evaluation and presenting the findings and recommendations to the respective project key stakeholders in the context of GMS cooperation and integration. Eighteen participants comprised of middle-level government officials from a wide variety of ministries in the GMS countries (China, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam) participated in the program.

The program was designed and taught by a team of four experienced trainers: two PPP-commissioned project management experts and two MI faculty members.  As a whole, the learning program explored the Project Monitoring Framework Appraisal System. It commenced with the skills in using the Project LogFrame or Design and Monitoring Framework in appraising project proposals using ADB Quality Assurance Checklist in evaluating/assessing project design logic and monitorability. The program also covered topics on project Control System, Results-Based Evaluation, Tools and Techniques in M &E, Qualitative and Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis, and Report Preparation and Presentation. A case study entitled North South Economic Corridor developed by the trainers was used to give participants practical experience in conducting situation analysis (stakeholders, problems, objectives) and designing project monitoring and evaluation in accordance with ADB Design and Monitoring Framework.

Program learning methodologies included practical applications of project monitoring and evaluation techniques and tools through group exercises, simulations and case studies. Two salient features of this training course are (i) its emphasis on the empowerment and meaningful engagement of different key stakeholders in the design, planning, implementation of project monitoring and evaluation; and (ii) having an opportunity to practice using different tools and techniques in Reporting and Presenting the M&E findings and recommendations to key stakeholders.

The overall results of program evaluation showed that participants were highly satisfied with the learning program contents and methodologies employed. The post test evaluation results showed that 78% of the participants have reached D (working knowledge and skills level) and E (good knowledge /highly skilled) levels. Moreover, the participants also demonstrated increased ability in communication, presentation, information management, cultural competency, and team skills. Working in multi-country groups have also strengthened personal ties to improve national cultural understanding which bodes well for future intergovernmental collaboration within the region.
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Business Research & Information management for Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Business Associations Along East-West Economic Corridor

Business Research & Information management for Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Business Associations Along East-West Economic Corridor

Year: 2011

Written by Mekong Institute

Under the project Enhancing Provincial and Local chambers of commerce Capacities in Trade and Investment Facilitation along East-West Economic Corridor The Mekong Institute in collaboration with japan-ASEAN Integration Fund conducted a five-day regional training course on "business Research and Information management for Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Business Association along East west Economic Corridor from 21 to 25 March 2011. The training was attended by 29 participants comprising of executive members and staffs of CCIs, Business Associations and Governemnt agencies involved with trade and investment activities in Lao PDR, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar.

The course aims to develop the participants' basic skills to conduct business and trade research and skills to analyze results of business research for development of provincial business profiles and organization member profiles.

The training course was designed and delivered using modular training approach where participants went through three progressive stages : i) "Learn to Do"-training on concepts, techniques and tolls to be employed; ii) "Do to Learn"- the participants were required to apply what they learned in their work assignments with proper coaching from assigned advisers; and iii) "Share to Learn"- the participants had opportunity to present the results of their group work, learning experiences and lessons learned.

Three resource persons were invited to deliver lectures and facilitate discussions, and share experiences to the participants, as well as, to enhance the participants' understanding of the program contents and to apply the principles, process, structure, and stakeholders in planning and implementing business research from the learning program.

The training course comprised of two inter-related modules. Module 1- "Business Research Methods Researching Process, Tools and Techniques" gave an understanding an in-depth understanding of research process and member's company profile. Module 2- "Trade and Investment Information: Development of company Profiles, Business Profiles, Trade and Investment data base" covered the design of the templates and questionnaires for data collection. Inputs from the participants from CCIs, BAs and TPOs from the EWEC countries were utilized for an understanding of the issues of their existing data base and also to identify areas of improvement. Furthermore, those required inputs were used to decide the sectors in the respective provinces for developing provincial business profiles and trade data base and to decide on key information requirement and sources.

To understand the effectiveness and challenges of the training program, different evaluation methods were employed for assessment. The results of the evaluation show that participants were highly satisfied with the training program. They also regarded the resource persons as effective in helping them to understand the contents of the training.

Effective Facilitation and Communication Skills

Effective Facilitation and Communication Skills

Year: 2011

Written by Mekong Institute

The Mekong Institute organized a 5-day training course on "Basic Facilitation and Communication Skills" which was held from 31 January-4 February 2011 at MI's training center in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Fifteen participant from Cambodia, Lao PDR, and eight Mekong Institute staff participated in the program. The training aimed to build-up facilitation skills of young professionals/facilitators in facilitating group meegins and in creating a enabling enviornment for participatory decision making and strategic processes involving multi-stakeholders.

The training course was designed and delivered by using participatory approache where participants went throught three progressive stages of 1 "Learn to do " the participants were provided knowledge on basic concepts and tools to be employed; 2 "Do to learn" participants apply newly-acquired knowledge and skills in their participants got opportunities to present their group work, and share their experiences to co-participants and facilitators. In addition, the participants were given the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in a real-life situation by visiting 2 villages in Thailand.

The results of the overall evaluation for this learning program revealed that the participants were satisfied with the course content and found the topics covered very relevant to their work. Moreover, they highly appreciated the facilitators and the training opportunity given to get the real experience to practice their newly-acquired skills from the class. Besides this, through the whole week training course, the participants developed friendships and established network among young professionals from different organizations and countries.

Postharvest Practies: Experiences and Best practices in Israel and Thailand

Postharvest Practies: Experiences and Best practices in Israel and Thailand

Category: Completion Reports, Agricultural Development and Commercialization
Year: 2011

Written by Mekong Institute

The Mekong Institute was commissioned by the Thailand International development Coorperation Agency to conduct a ten-day training course on "Post harvest Practices: Experiences and Best Practices in Israel and Thailand" from 28 March to 8 April 2011. The course was held at the MI residential Training Facility in Khon Kaen with two structured learning visits in Nakhon Pathom and Pathum Thani provinces of Thailand.

The training course was designed and delivered using modular training approach, of which, all participants went through three progressive stages: a) "Learn to do" training on concepts, technique and tools: b) "Do to learn"- participants are required to apply what they have learned in their work assignment with proper coaching from assigned advisers; and c) "Share to learn"- participants will have an opportunity to present their group works/ findings and share their learning experiences and lessons learned.

There were two resource persons, who contributed to the design and delivery to the lectures, workshops and structured learning visits, namely; Dr Yoram Fuchs and Dr Ron Porat of the Agricultural Research Organization, Ministry of Agriculture, State of Israel.

The training course was comprised of five interrelated modules. Module 1 on "Overview of Post harvest management" introduced the participants to the importance of post harvest handling and management. Module 2 on " Pre-harvest and Harvest Factors Affecting Post harvest Quality" deepened the knowledge on the product quality and how such can be effectively maintained as products move from one distribution point to anothe rto ensure product safety. Module 3 on "Physiological and Chemical Processes in Harvested Commodities" introduced the physiological and chemical processes that take place during the shelf-life of harvested produce.Module 4 on "Post harvest Technologies" illustrated advanced technologies which included both chemical and non-chemical treatments to prolong the shelf-life of perishale commodities. Module 5 on "Indigenous Postharvest Practices" demonstrated post harvest practices which were proven effective in less-developed counters.

Two structured learning visits were organized for the participants in this course; their understading of the program's contents was enhanced through different appreciation visits and interaction with enterprises at the SWIFT Company in Nakhon Pathom province and the Talaad Thai wholesale Market in Pathum Thani province.

The evaluations conducted throughout the course confirmed that the objectives were achieved and the learning program was successful. Most of the participants were very satisfied with the program as shown in the total average rating by participants on the usefulness of the learning program at 4.69 and the overall assessment at "4.96". Using a scale of 1 to 5, this indicated that participants found the training program "very useful" and were "very satisfied" with the program contents and overall training management.