Regional Workshop on Cross-Border Trade Facilitation of Agricultural Commodities on the EWEC

April 11, 2016

Mekong Institute conducted the "Regional Workshop on Cross-Border Trade Facilitation of Agricultural Commodities on the EWEC" last Friday, April 8, 2016. The workshop was attended by around 20 representatives from seven provinces along the East West Economic Corridor (EWEC).

The event was a platform for sharing experiences and best practices in facilitating cross-border trade along the EWEC. Some of the highlights are the discussions on the progresses, opportunities, and challenges of Single Stop Inspection, how to analyze the trade processes, cross-border trade of agricultural commodities, lessons learned from various site visits, and the concept on the implementing approach. At the end of the workshop, one of the key points of the conclusions was the importance of having accurate and coherent data by the border sites cooperating with one another.

The workshop was supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Category: EWEC

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